Yvonne Gray
Yvonne Gray is a poet and writer who lives in Orkney in Scotland’s Northern Isles. She studied for an MA (Hons) in English Language and Literature at the University of Edinburgh and as a mature student, graduated with MLitt (Distinction) from the University of the Highlands and Islands. A collection, In the Hanging Valley, was published by Two Ravens Press in 2008. Several pamphlets have also been published, including Reflections (Hansel Cooperative Press), shortlisted for the Callum MacDonald Memorial Award for Scottish poetry in 2013. Her poems have been published widely in Scottish anthologies and literary magazines and have appeared in publications in Maine (USA), Slovakia, and Australia. She has received a writers bursaries from the Scottish Arts Council (now Creative Scotland) and Hi-Arts. She has been involved in a variety of artistic collaborations involving music, poetry, visual arts and archaeology and is currently working on a new collection of writing.